Writing Rules
Please submit your article to Cedrus via DergiPark and ensure that it complies with the publication and writing policies of Cedrus.
The article submitted to Cedrus should be unpublished and should follow the publishing guidelines of the journal accessible from the Journal’s web site. The text should be written in 11,5 point Times New Roman (for PC and for Macintosh), the footnotes should be written in 10 point. Please use the New Athenean Unicode/ Minion Pro Display font for Greek (free to download from http://apagreekkeys.org/NAUdownload.html). Footnotes should be placed at the foot of the page, employing continuous numbering. For all photographs, drawings and maps, only the abbreviation (Fig.) should be employed in continuous numbering. The plate numbers will be given by the editors. For this reason, remarks such as plate, picture, drawing, graphic, chart, plan, map other word or abbreviation should not be used, only Fig. followed by the consecutive number.
It is required that the submitted article must be written in the Microsoft Word template attached at the website of the journal. Any visual images in the article should be in .jpeg or .tiff format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and they must be sent as an e-mail to cedrus@akdeniz.edu.tr. An abstract consisting of a 150 to 200 word summary of the article is required, together with a list of 4 to 6 keywords. An article in Turkish is to have its abstract in both Turkish and English, and an article in other languages is to have an abstract in both the language of the article and in Turkish. The text of the article should not exceed 20 pages, the maximum number of figures should be 20. The submission form requires the author’s name, surname, academic title, institution, address, e-mail address, telephone number and/or fax number, and ORCID ID that can be obtained free at orcid.org.
Abbreviations of any work cited should be given at the end of the article. References used in the texts are shown as; the author’s surname, date of publication and page (and if used, figure or plate number). References including the author’s name should be written as in the original publication. Subtitles in an article should be written in small letters and all initial letters of words should be written in bold. An author who has several cited articles published within the same year should have the reference marked a., b., c., etc. in both the footnotes and in the bibliography. Roman numerals are to be used when referring to centuries prior to and including the X century A.D. (e.g. IV century B.C., etc.). After the X century A.D. Arabic numerals are to be used e.g. 19th century. In articles related to Antiquity and Late Antiquity, the term East Roman has to be used instead of the term Byzantine. In addition, for articles within the same scope, unless there is a special case, the term Hellas has to be used for Greece, and for the language Ancient Greek is preferred.
Each article submitted for publication is examined by the editor-in-chief, the journal’s editor and field editors. The article will be evaluated by at least two referees. Decision concerning publication will be conveyed to the author in May. Once articles whose refereeing process has been completed and are made ready for publication by the Cedrus editorship, only word and letter errors can be corrected. Changes, such as to the bibliography, text, visual addition or removal cannot be permitted at this stage in the process. Due to the limited number of articles published in Cedrus each year, a publication commitment for every article whose refereeing process is completed positively within that year’s issue cannot be made. After an editorial evaluation, the articles to be included in the issue of the relevant year are determined and the decisions are forwarded to the authors on June 21. In case of the withdrawal of an article whose refereeing process is ongoing, or the referee evaluations have been forwarded to the author(s), and upon request by the author(s), both the relevant article and any further studies of the author(s) will not be accepted, even if they are evaluated by our journal. In addition, articles with more than three authors are not accepted. An author cannot publish articles in consecutive volumes.
The opinion(s) and contents of any article published in Cedrus remain the responsibility of the author(s), not of the publication.
(For the template file see, https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/journal-file/26654)
(For the ancient sources and epigraphical abbreviations see https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/journal/3025/file/4684/download ).
Özüdoğru Ş. 2020, Kibyra Kazı ve Araştırmaları Monografi Serisi I, KIBYRA: Kibyra Maior / Caesarea Cibyra. İstanbul.
1 Özüdoğru 2020, 365.
Book by a single author
Goldsworthy A. 2020, Philip and Alexander: Kings and Conquerors. New York.
1 Goldsworthy 2020, 123 dn. 85.
Book by two or more authors
Heckel W. & Yardley J. C. 2004, Alexander the Great, Historical Texts in Translation. Malden – Oxford.
1 Heckel & Yardley 2004, 27.
Chapter in an edited work
Matthews R. 2011, “A History of the Preclassical Archaeology of Anatolia”. Eds. S. R. Steadman & G. McMahon, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia. Oxford, 34-55.
1 Matthews 2011, 38.
Occasional publications
Jones D. W. 2021, Four Economic Topics for Studies of Antiquity: Agriculture, Trade, Population, and the Behaviour of Aggregate Economies (BAR IntSer 3018). Oxford.
1 Jones 2021, 77.
Durugönül S. 2007, Dağlık Kilikia’da Bir Antik Kent Kazısının Sonuçları – NAGIDOS / Results of an Excavation in an Ancient City in Rough Cilicia (Adalya Suppl 6). İstanbul.
1 Durugönül 2007, 59.
Thesis-Dissertation (PhD & MA)
Coşkun Abuagla A. 2012, Roma Dönemi Küçük Asya Procuratorleri. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Akdeniz Üniversitesi. Antalya.
1 Coşkun Abuagla 2012, 73.
Journal article
Duggan T. M. P. 2015, “From Mid-October to the End of March – Voyaging in the Medieval Mediterranean”. Cedrus III, 277-310.
1 Duggan 2015, 280-285.
Articles by two or more authors
Dökü F. E. & Baytak İ. 2017, “Kabalis Bölgesi Demirçağ Yerleşim Tipleri ve Gözetleme/Haberleşme Kaleleri”. MJH VII/2, 223-242.
1 Dökü & Baytak 2017, 45.
Durukan A., S. Kılıç & H. Tuncer 2020, “The Architecture of the Antalya Pazar Baths and a Suggestion of Experiential Marketing Modules for its Re-functioning as a Shopping Space”. Cedrus VIII, 659-673.
1 Durukan et al. 2020, 665.
Journal without volume number
Nikolaou I. 2019, “A Hellenistic and Roman Tomb at Eurychou – Phoenikas”. RDAC, 234-257.
1 Nikolaou 2019, 266 lev. 60.
Book reviews
Köker H. 2020, “The Storm before the Storm. The Beginning of the End of the Roman Republic”. Yazar: M. Duncan, Libri VI, 361-363.
1 Köker 2020, 368.
Published papers
Burragato F., M. Nezza, A. F. Ferrazzoli & M. Ricci 2007, “Late Roman 1 Amphora Types Produced at Elaiussa Sebaste”. Eds. M. Bonifay & J. C. Treglia, Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking, Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry 2. (BAR IntSer 1662). Marseille and Arles, 13-16 April 2005. Oxford, 689-700.
1 Burragato et al. 2007, 692.
Citation for an author with more than one cited publication within the same year
McGing B. C. 1986a, The Foreign Policy of Mithridates VI Eupator King of Pontus. Leiden.
1 McGing 1986a, 7.
McGing B. C. 1986b, “The Kings of Pontus: Some Problems on Identity and Date”. RhM 129, 248-259.
2 McGing 1986b, 250 pl. 30 no: 35.
Magazine article
Tassinari P. 2014, “Antik Dünyada Tıp ve Sağlık”. Aktüel Arkeoloji 24, 56-67.
1 Tassinari 2014, 58.
Newspaper article
Şahin S. (25 Kasım 2000), “Kültürel Miras, Kültürel Kimlik ve Eskiçağ Bilimleri”. Cumhuriyet Gazetesi Bilim-Teknik Eki 714, 18-19.
1 Şahin 2000, 18-19.
Publication or author names unwritten with Latin alphabet
Τσαραβοπογλος A. N. 2019, “Η αρχαία πόλη της Χίου”. Horos 29, 124-144.
1 Τσαραβοπογλος 2019, 138.
Works of standard reference
Oberhummer E. 19702, “Bosporos (1)”. RE III/1, col. 741-757.
1 Oberhummer 19702, col. 744.
Translated Works
Selz G. J. 2020, Sümerler ve Akadlar: Tarih: Toplum, Kültür. Çev. F. G. Gerhold, İstanbul.
1 Selz 2020, 115.
Translated Article
Oktan M. 2018, “Quintus Asconius Pedianus, Yüceliğe Hakaret Davasında Cornelius Savunması”. Libri IV, 251-313.
1 Oktan 2018, 286.
Ansiklopedi maddesi | Encyclopedia article
Bergmann J. 1993, “Relativity”. The New Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 10. Chicago, 501-508.
1 Bergmann 1993, 505.
Newspaper Reference (for articles see above)
Yazarlı gazete yazısı | Newspaper article, with author
Cemal H. 21 Eylül 2019, “Enseyi Karartmayın İyi Yoldayız”. Milliyet.
1 Cemal 2019.
Newspaper article, without author
“Katalonya’yı Bağımsızlık Ateşi Sardı”. Milliyet, 21 Eylül 2020.
1 Milliyet, 21 Eylül 2020.
T.C. Resmi Gazete | Official Gazette of the Republic of Türkiye
“Nafia Vekâleti teşkilât ve vazifelerine dair kanun”. T.C. Resmi Gazete 4219, 30 Mayıs 1939, 11832-11837.
1 Resmi Gazete, 30 Mayıs 1939, 11832.
Electronic Sources
Citation from an Internet-only journal’s article
Taşkıran M. 2021, “Phaselis Merkezi Kule”. Phaselis VII, 7-19. Kaynak: http://dx.doi.org/10.18367/Pha.21002
1 Taşkıran 2021, 14.